Sunday, September 7, 2008

Chaffee Sucks

As many of you know starting last Saturday Ft Chaffee was used to house evacuees from Hurricane Gustav. I believe a little over 2,000 people were housed and fed. Word on the street is that Ike is on the way and hes pissed!!! We were told to prepare for round 2 next week. Our EMS resources are taxed and staff is worn out! Ya see there are14 medics and we still have our regular 40 hour shift and most of us have part time jobs also. Ft Smith EMS has helped some but not to a great extent. It got bad enough were Central EMS from Washington county was sent for assistance. Lets not forget that I also reserve for Sebastian County Sheriffs Office and worked that scene also. I think I had close to 40 hours in at Chaffee not to mention regular hours.
Most of you know I have helped strangers most of my adult life in one form or another. I'm gonna lay it out and say I hope I never have to see another evacuee from New Orleans for the rest of my life. Now I have stereotypes as much as the next guy but this is the truth. The majority of the folks out there were trash. They complained from the time they stepped off the buses and planes till they were sent home. These were the rudest, most expecting people I have ever seen. Wal-Mart was plagued with shoplifters that expected FEMA to pay for anything they wanted. Folks were trying to walk out holding items that were unpaid for saying, "Charge it to FEMA". The barracks were trashed with litter and occasional human feces. I guess the bathroom was too far away? They tried to steal food from the mess halls and then complained of the menu. I had a lady tell me she was being treated like she was in jail, I responded with, "We can make that happen." Then I reminded her she could have stayed home and swam up here. I just don't understand the mentality. I don't just expect someone to provide for me after I have chosen to return to a part of the world that not even supposed to be above the water line on a normal day. Did these folks not remember Katrina? I feel like everyone from the community should have experienced the folks that were sent in and been able to judge for their selves. Now just as three years ago our community will be laden with those that didn't want to go back that in turn expect handouts as we sit back and see an increase in crime! I urge anyone that experienced what they feel was a bad thing to contact the governors office and demand action. Why is it that FL or a number of other coastal states have never had to be evacuated with FEMA's help or caused chaos?? Hum....

Don't get me wrong I met some very nice folks. Most were appreciative too. Bad apples make for a bad group!!

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