Thursday, January 29, 2009

Holy Crack!

It seems as of lately the aquarium has been more of a haunting task than a relaxing experience. Jeff warned me when I started this whole project that it would be a lot of work and I would have my hands wet daily. I understood his warning and so far I really hadn't minded messing with the tank daily for one reason or another. I mean so far I had been creating a masterpiece, no gripes so far right?

As many of you know we were plagued last week my the step-sister of the 99 or 00 ice storm. Jeff lost his saltwater haven in the past ice storm due to lack of see there's something about tropical fish that dislike ice water. some of you know I'm usually prepared for almost any disaster. I went to dads and got his generator and got it serviced and running pre-icestorm so that if we did lose electricity I was prepared to save my underwater kingdom. I was worried about my sanity at this point since the aquarium rescue popped into my head before the family did...oh well. As I tell this story I must also tell another story (reminds me of Ron White or Goodmans mom). I had ordered a new light fixture for the tank to increase the brightness so I could keep more corals. T5HO's for those in the know. So the new lights showed up the day of the ice prediction and I removed the canopy and old light and slapped on the new light fixture. Well, problem number one was a bulb wouldn't work and after twisting a fiddling for a bit I got it working. Problem two was the rattle this SOB made could have woke the dead and my fish did not appreciate this either. I smacked the fixture and rattle stopped...Ah fixed too! What I apparently didn't notice was the fact that when the canopy was put back on it created pressure on the side of the tank and at 10pm Amy heard a pop. No big deal, a pop in this house is more than likely a kid and a Nerf gun. So before I go to bed, with full on freezing rain outside, I notice water drops on the tank. I wipe them off and they reappear....hum....what did I get wet messing with the tank? Oh but wait is a freaking CRACK, yes my 55 gallon tank is cracked and leaking with hundreds of dollars worth of livestock in peril. So at 10pm I'm scrambling for a solution, solution was a tube a silicone and sleeping in the floor next to the tank in case it busts i guess...trying to be rational at this point....uh huh.
So the next morning at 9am I'm trudging the winter storm to Petco to get a new tank, Yeager's for plastic tubs for rock, water and fish, and too bad I didn't have a Xanax. To make a long story short I had to move everything over and by 9pm that night I was done. Kinda...
Nothing had died from the traumatic move but the fish have been quite stressed and developed a little Ich, which is getting better. Time will only tell if the overall picture will be Caribbean or death-style. I hope were out of the woods. I will post some new pics in the next few days.
Oh, by the way...we never lost power....A for effort!