Saturday, November 15, 2008

Awards and Rewards

As some of you have noticed I have not posted in quite some time....been really busy. One of my projects have finally paid off. I got a congressional call last week congratulating me for the successful award of $208,000 minus our 5% match for a new firetruck at Central City. Some don't know that I am the fire chief at this small town and I don't advertise a lot. It was a weight lifted off my shoulders knowing after delivery this apparatus the dept. can better protect the citizens of the area. Central currently runs a 1974 Hahn pumper that was worn out when they acquired it in 1989. This truck is the worst piece of machinery I have even driven and I have driven some real crap!! Our new truck will be a 2008 Freightliner M2 4 door built by Rosenberg America. It will tote 1,000 gallons of water along with a Class A foam system which greatly enhances waters extinguishing abilities. It will have scene light for night operations along with 911 seats that allow us to dismount the apparatus with air tanks already on our backs. Full LED emergency lighting, air conditioning, numerous safety features, and an electronic pump control. A real nice piece!! The ability to bring this to the city for a price of $10,400 is remarkable at minimum.
Also to note is that we will soon also be funded for eight new Scott AP50 self contained breathing apparatus(SCBA), 8 spare bottles, and a RIT (rapid intervention team) pack for rescuing our own downed(pray this doesn't happen)personnel. These SCBA's provide us clean breathing air while in a fire or other environmentally hazardous environment. We specified 4500 lb 45-minute composite bottles for less weight and longer working times. At the current time we have a mixture of two different types of SCBA that operate differently...not something that's great when you need to be working off muscle memory in high stress situations. This grant was in the neighborhood of $55,000 dollars minus the 5% match also.
The dept will be beating on doors asking for donations in the future so don't shut us down!! Our begging directly protects you....the citizen.
Stress slightly off and gearing up for our Vegas vacation the first week of December....hope the chips fall in my direction once again.